Nancy is best known as Marc’s mom.

This year marks Community Living Toronto (CLTO)’s 75th anniversary, and to celebrate we have asked people from across our communities to help us understand what 75 Years of Belonging means to them. We had a fun conversation with Marc and Nancy to help us answer this question. Here is a transcript from part of that conversation. We hope you enjoy reading it.

CLTO: Can we start by having both of you share a little bit more about yourselves?

Marc: *laughs* She’s my mom!

Nancy: Yeah! You’re right, I’m Marc’s mom! That’s all I’m known as actually. People ask, “are you Marc’s mom?” Yes, I am… *laughs*

CLTO: Marc, how old are you? Do you have any hobbies or likes and dislikes that you want to share with people? 

Marc: I’m 31. My hobbies are… I like to DJ! 

For Marc and Nancy, belonging means working, DJing, dancing, and cheering!

Nancy: DJing is a hobby AND a job, right? Like when you’re at Community Living Toronto events playing music and spinning?

Marc: Yeah! And I also like to help mom cook. I do a lot of food preparations. I took a culinary course at college!

CLTO: Awesome! And Marc, can you give a little bit more information about yourself and your family?

Marc: I have an older brother named Michael. And also, I work at a Goodlife gym. I like it – I help clean up towels and I put away the free weights on the ground. Sometimes, I help mop and sweep. I work there five days a week. 

Nancy: *to Marc* So, you go to the gym and you do a personal workout, and then it’s time for the actual job work at 12 p.m., right? And what would you do at night, let’s say after dinner, Marc? You and Dad might go somewhere – where would you go?

Marc: *To Nancy* Should we show them the jersey?

Nancy: *brings out Toronto Maple Leafs jersey* This is one of many jerseys he wears to the games. He usually gets on the jumbotron, for both the Raptors and the Leafs. *to Marc* Why do they put you on the jumbotron, Marc?

Marc: To give the Leafs good luck, to win the cup. I’m always cheering and dancing!

CLTO: That’s wonderful. Nancy, can you share a little bit more about yourself and your family from your perspective?

Nancy: I am Nancy, my husband is Gabriel, and we have two sons. Michael who is 35 and Marc who is 31. I got involved with CLTO when Marc was starting school. Over the years, I did a lot of volunteering. I was on the Board of Directors for about four years. I used to be on the Education Committee, on the Quality Assurance Committee, and I was on the Planning Committee for Community Rocks. I’m also Marc’s manager, because Marc is a DJ. 

Marc: Yeah, I DJ at Community Rocks!


Every two years, Community Living Toronto hosts Community Rocks. This is the organization’s signature fundraising event. We like to think of it as a party with a purpose, with proceeds going towards supports and services for people with an intellectual disability. For the past few years, the pandemic has prevented us from having this party but, we are excited to share that this year, Community Rocks is back on and will be held in November.


CLTO: Community Living Toronto is turning 75 years old this year. Can you tell us what Community Living Toronto means to you and your family? 

Nancy: So, for me, whenever I have had questions or needed some information, I’ve known that I can go to CLTO and ask people. This is a place that I know I can go to when I need help or support or any ideas. 

And for Marc, we’ve been able to access many programs and services. We had a TTC travel training program, so Marc attended that. He was also involved in the Youth 2 Work program, and he had a job coach. Marc was also able to access travel training whenever he got a job. *To Marc* And you used to go to some other programs too, right Marc? There was a Being Me program. And there was an independence and relationship training course.

CLTO: How have these different programs, services, and opportunities made a difference for you and your family?

Nancy: I think it is important that the role of job coach should not fall on the parent, so it was good having Community Living Toronto there to support Marc with job coaching, and the other part too was the travel training. Marc, like many other people, doesn’t always like having his parents hovering over him, so it was good that they were doing the travel training too.

CLTO: Part of our 75th anniversary celebration involves reflecting on the past 75 Years of Belonging – but it is also important to think about the future. So, we have a big question for you: what does a better world look like for you?

Marc: Going to Jamaica! 

Nancy: *laughs* listening to reggae music all the time! *laughs* That’s his favourite genre. *laughs* But hopefully another 75 Years of Belonging would lead to a world where we are all contributing members of the community through our work, our interactions and our interests. A world where we are all treated equally. A world where everybody truly belongs.

For 75 years, Community Living Toronto has been evolving, learning, and growing to support and include people with an intellectual disability. Together, let’s work toward 75 more Years of Belonging. Here is one way you can help today: Add your name below to show your support.


75 more years of belonging.
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